What to do if your doorbell rings at 3am…

A couple nights ago, my daughter wasn't feeling great in the middle of the night.  I was in the bathroom with her, helping her do what kids do when they have a bad tummy ache.  Then all of a sudden I hear a ring at my front door.  Like, what?? Who would be ringing my bell at this ungodly hour? AND, my doorbell hasn't actually worked in about 2 years so that just added to all the confusion.  This was the exact moment I realized I finally needed a doorbell camera.  I was too scared to check the front door to see if there was actually someone standing there. IF anyone has actually seen the Sebastian Maniscalco skit of when someone rings his doorbell, that is exactly what I felt like. What would you do?

If your doorbell rings at three in the morning, it's natural to feel concerned. Here's what you might consider doing:


1. **Stay Calm:** Take a deep breath and try not to panic. Assess the situation calmly.


2. **Don't Open Immediately:** Avoid opening the door right away. Look through a peephole or window to see who's there, if possible.


3. **Call for Help:** If you feel unsafe or unsure, call the police non-emergency line to report the incident and get their advice.


4. **Alert Others:** If you're not alone in the house, wake up anyone else who lives with you to make sure they're aware of the situation.


5. **Stay Inside:** Keep the door locked and remain indoors until you're sure of the situation and the person at the door.


6. **Avoid Confrontation:** Don't engage with the person at the door if you're feeling uncomfortable or threatened.


7. **Use Technology:** If you have a security system with cameras, you might be able to check the video feed to see who's at the door.  

affiliate link to doorbell cameras below

https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&tag=blakereesebou-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=eed1a749b7f18e72156f8ce44978be95&camp=1789&creative=9325&index=electronics&keywords=Video doorbell camera">Doorbell cameras</a>



Remember, your safety is the top priority. If the situation seems suspicious or potentially dangerous, it's better to take precautions and involve the authorities if necessary.